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Build strength and flexibility, reduce stress and anxiety

Thank you for visiting my website 😃
Throughout the chaos of modern life (and as a mum of three girls I have more than my share of chaos!), yoga helps us turn inwards to find connection between our body, mind and spirit, improving our mental health and wellbeing. I've been practicing yoga for more than 20 years and hope to continue practicing and learning for many more.


I'm a qualified and registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance Professionals UK, and love sharing the happiness and peace I find through yoga with my students. When I'm not on my mat or working I'm usually with my dog, reading, or taxiing my girls to their various clubs and social engagements!

My yoga classes in Manton, Marlborough and Woodborough are suitable for all levels and offer a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Don't be worried that you're not flexible or fit enough, start from where you are - yoga is for everyone.


Please get in touch to find out more, especially if you are new to yoga - I also offer private yoga classes which can be a great way to get started.


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What people are saying about the classes...

Kat’s classes are an absolute highlight of my week. Starting as a complete beginner, Kat has been supportive, encouraging and gently pushing so that over two terms I am already vastly improved in terms of my flexibility and balance. The balance between relaxation and exercise is perfect and the lessons are an oasis in a busy life, with a wonderful welcoming and non-judgemental atmosphere – can’t recommend highly enough.                      

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